Past Presidents
The Office of President of the Will County Bar Association is a tradition steeped in history. Many men and women have given years of service on the Board of Directors prior to serving as President. From time to time, the past presidents of the Bar Association reconvene to assist the Bar in special events and to provide input on policy and programs.
To commemorate their service, a plaque hangs on the fourth floor of the courthouse at 14 W. Jefferson St. in Joliet and their names are listed below:
2022-2023 Thomas J. Manzella, Jr.
2021-2022 Robert W. Bodach
2020-2021 Donald W. DeWilkins
2019-2020 Erin Webster O’Brien
2018-2019 Christian Spesia
2017-2018 Sean Brady
2016-2017 Hon. Dinah L. Archambeault
2015-2016 Hon. Cory D. Lund
2014-2015 Thomas P. Polacek
2013-2014 Scott Pyles
2012-2013 Frank S. Cservenyak
2011-2012 Hon. Michael J. Powers
2010-2011 Hon. Bobbi Petrungaro
2009-2010 John S. Rossi
2008-2009 Richard B. Orloff
2007-2008 Gary S. Mueller
2006-2007 Jack Ardaugh
2005-2006 Kenneth A. Carlson
2004-2005 Myles L. Jacobs
2003-2004 William G. McMenamin
2002-2003 Richard C. Schoenstedt
2001-2002 James E. Egan
2000-2001 Dorothy Seaborg
1999-2000 Randal J. Miller
1998-1999 Robert M. Boyack
1997-1998 Roger D. Rickmon
1996-1997 Thomas A. Thanas
1995-1996 Barbara Clemons
1994-1995 Robert C. Lorz
1993-1994 Thomas J. Gilbert
1992-1993 J. Jeffrey Allen
1991-1992 A. Michael Wojtak
1990-1991 Patrick McNamara
1989-1990 Douglas L. Ziech
1988-1989 Martin Rudman
1987-1988 Gerald R. Kinney
1986-1987 Stephen B. Luzbetak
1985-1986 William J. Phelan
1984-1985 George F. Mahoney III
1983-1984 Joseph C. Fitzgerald
1982-1983 Thomas C. Nolan
1981-1982 Thomas Feehan
1980-1981 Craig T. Wright
1979-1980 Lawrence C. Gray
1978-1979 Douglas F. Spesia
1977-1978 Harry C. McSteen
1976-1977 Samuel Saxon
1975-1976 James E. Garrison
1974-1975 Wellington S. Smith
1973-1974 Arthur T. Lennon
1972-1973 Robert J. Baron
1971-1972 William R. Penn
1970-1971 John J. McGarry
1969-1970 Wayne R. Johnson
1968-1969 Frank H. Masters, Jr.
1967-1968 Ralph C. Murphy
1966-1967 Joseph V. Kirincich
1965-1966 Thomas L. Clinton
1964-1965 Anton B. Mutz
1963-1964 George M. O’Brien
1962-1963 Gordon W. Bedford
1961-1962 Louis R. Bertani
1960-1961 Stuart C. Kroesch
1959-1960 William Wenger
1958-1959 Francis P. Kelly
1957-1958 Robert E. Higgins
1956-1957 F. Donald Delaney
1955-1956 Albert H. Krusemark, Jr.
1954-1955 Robert W. Thomas
1953-1954 Kenneth E. Timm
1952-1953 Paul F. Brumund
1951-1952 Ludwig V. Kuhar
1950-1951 Robert N. Wallace
1949-1950 Donald F. Wise
1948-1949 Francis A. Dunn
1947-1948 Charles M. Robson
1946-1947 William A. Murphy
1941-1945 John P. Haley
1939-1940 Frank Jones
1937-1938 Charles J. McKeown
1935-1936 Dale G. Nicholson
1933-1934 P. Francis Boetto
1931-1932 John C. Cowing
1930 Oscar R. Laraway
1928-1929 James V. Bartley
1927 John W. D’Arcy
1922-1926 Fred W. Walter
1921 Coll McNaughton
1919-1920 Ralph Austin
1918 John B. Anderson
1917 Irving Shutts
1916 Pence B. Orr
1915 Paul Prutsman
1914 Edward R. Nadelhoffer
1913 Edward Akin
1911-1912 Thomas F. Donovan
1910 Coll McNaughton
1900 Charles A. Hill